
The Harp Bar Reunion

Groups from that once played the legendary Belfast punk venue, reunited for one night only.

Bands include The Outcasts, Protex, Henry Cluney (ex-Stiff Little Fingers), Brian Young (ex-Rudi), Shock Treatment 21, Stage B and The Androids. We hear classic tracks such as ‘Time To Be Proud’, ‘Alternative Ulster’, ‘Belfast Telegraph’ and ‘Big Time’.

The original Harp Bar was a public house and live music venue based in Hill Street, in what was to become Cathedral Quarter. It was owned between 1977 and 1984 by Patrick (Patsy) Lennon, who some years later built and owned the Limelight and Katy Daly’s (two adjacent premises in Ormeau Avenue, Belfast).

The Harp Bar is synonymous with the history of Northern Ireland punk rock. It was functioning as a city centre bar and music venue at the height of the Northern Ireland Troubles. Many local punk rock bands including The Outcast, Rudi, Stiff Little fingers, The Defects and others played at the venue. It was quickly recognised as the premier punk rock venue in Ireland.

cathedral quarter